
Beyonce Unexpectedly Releases New Album on iTunes

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We will file this under “brilliant business move”. Why brilliant? Because what is everyone going to want for Christmas now? How about the new album that Beyonce unexpectedly just released on iTunes? Think about it. She made no announcements and literally, no one knew this new album was coming. So suddenly, two weeks before Christmas, she drops it and everyone wants it in their stocking. Watch, I will go so far as to bet this album will easily trump all her others in sales. Heck, even I have already ordered it for two people, and it was just announced yesterday. So basically, it goes like this. Beyonce unexpectedly releases new record on iTunes. Half the world immediately buys it.

Starpulse has some more on the story, but what else is there to know? Well, there is one cool thing. The self-titled album is considered a “visual” album, meaning if you play it in your DVD drive, it as videos that go along with every song. On top of that, Jay-Z and Beyonce’s daughter, Ivy Blue, also appear on a track. I can tell you, I bet this works out good enough in her favor that other artists adopt this method of just silently working on album and not saying anything to anyone until the moment it’s ready.

I guess we will see how well it worked for Beyonce once they release the numbers. Safe to say the album will do well, though. This is Beyonce, after all.

Photo by Kena Betancur/Getty Images


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-09-16