How The 1984 Murder Of Mary Jane Thompson Was Finally Solved

Prior to moving to Dallas, Mary Jane Thompson lived in Los Angeles, California, and Houston, Texas. However, before leaving her hometown, she had one last Christmas with her sisters. Selena Tomasello said Thompson got her a stereo system and got their sister Kathie a portable stereo called a boom box.
The girls did not realize it was Thompson who purchased the gifts until she had moved away, but they were thankful that she made sure they had a special holiday together. Tomasello said she “will always remember” her last Christmas with her sister.
As reported by The Dallas Morning News, Thompson moved to Dallas only six months before she was killed. At the time of her death, Thompson was working at a florist shop and a local restaurant. Tomasello said her sister was working two jobs to help pay for acting and modeling classes, which she hoped would help her break into the industry.